Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Almost there......

Week 6... going on week 7.

97% can you believe them apples??  That was the result of my last PFT test. I was shooting for 100% but failed after 6 attempts. I have PFTs again tomorrow and will see if I can shatter the 97. 

I am currently finishing my first of two weeks of an IV course to get rid of the cough that I previously had. The IV's and inhaled TOBI seem to be doing the trick. I was able to air my port site (where the needle goes under the tagaderm that keeps it sterile) out today. The weather was bad so my medicine was delayed by a few hours. Now when I go to put my needle back in to resume treatment the site will be less dry and itchy. 

This week I have the normal pulmonary rehab excercise and labs plus additional Doctor appointment and bronchoscopy!  I will have stuff to report later this week and early next week!! Other good news is that after a long hard haul, Apria finally came and took all my oxygen away!! I know mom and dad are glad to have the space in their garage back from the bunches of tanks that were on board.  Here's another step to freedom. 

The snow is nice and white, glad i'm not out in it right now! I have a feeling my son is enjoying it greatly right now! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good lungs, OK nose, Bad cough!!!

Catch-up! Last time I had PFTs (the 29th of last December) I blew a 85% which was down from the previous 90%. The reason I believe is because I had a 6-minute walk test and my normal pulmonary rehab, plus the walk from the south campus to the north campus. I also had Brayden all week and he made me tired! However, excuses don't really matter.

The 6-minute walk test mostly used to evaluate how much your oxygen saturation drops over 6-minutes is the basic test used to determine if you need oxygen and if your insurance will pay for the use of oxygen. The last 6-minute walk test I had done was pre-transplant. I was able to walk 800ft on 8 liters of oxygen and that was to get my O2 just to 92%. On my latest 6-minute walk I walked 1700ft, no oxygen and 100% oxygen saturation... Common tell me I'm good now! :-p So I'm a little proud and happy about that!!!

The cough... Somehow I developed some sort of dry cough. Its the oddest thing, just annoying. At least before my coughs were deep and productive and like they were doing something. This cough is like I'm just blowing air with a slight tickle in my throat. I am finishing up my Oral antibiotic from the infection they cultured with the bronchoscopy. I told the pulmonary rehab team about my symptoms since they see me everyday and know when I'm feeling good or something is different and can make the proper call on what the next step should be. So the staff listened to me, and I was clear! Clear and I had a cough, weird. They called my coordinator, and after looking at my x-ray, blood work and other cultures, determined to put me on two more antibiotics. Inhaled Tobi and IV Cefepime. I must admit I was a little disheartened by the new regimen, however, it was only one IV every 12hours and once a day inhaled Tobi!! I can handle that regimen for 2 weeks.

OK nose... While walking to and from the two campuses at Barnes, I noticed a familiar face in the hall and was randomly stopped. My ENT happened to recognize me through my fancy face mask and all. She had not heard that I had my transplant, but was quite ecstatic. I had been wanting to get into her office but was just going to wait till the New Year to call and schedule. Turns out she was holding a mini clinic and wanted to see me to check out my nose again after my 5th sinus surgery. While probing away she took some cultures and a good look around. **side note** what a job looking up peoples nasty noses all day, I don't think i would like to do that but I sure am glad someone does **end** She stated that my nose looks so-so, the frontal sinuses (the ones I have the most trouble with) are inflamed again. The other sinuses look decent with only a little inflammation. After removing a bunch of stuff, she gave me the go to resume nose flushes if it was OK with my Pulmonary team. Pulmonary team says go, so here's to a salty nose.

Otherwise no new news, everything else seems to be going well. Despite the cough I am still able to walk just fine without any breathing problems. I have PFTs tomorrow, another Bronch on the 14th, doctor appointment on the 12th. Life is good!

Until next time...Happy New Year, take a walk a day, its good for the body and mind!!

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